Low noise microwave receivers without selection on the input side, for instance satellite receivers, require a band-pass filter between the low noise amplifier (LNA) and the mixer. That is necessary in order to suppress the noise of the image frequency band. Figure 1 shows it schematically. The demands on the filter are not great. An attenuation at 15 dB of the image frequencies is usually sufficient. However the reflection of the image band and the local oscillator frequency (LO) at the bandpass filter have a negative effect on the frequency response of the transmission band.
 Fig. 1
The properties of the mixer can essentially be improved, if all appearing spectral frequencies meet with a matching port on the input and the output side of the mixer. A reflection factor at -8...-10 dB is usually sufficient for this purpose. At the IF-side that is simple to do by means of the following amplifier stages. At the filter-side it is to do with an attenuator, for instance 3dB (Figure 2).
 Fig. 2
However the attenuation deteriorates the total noise factor of the receiver. It can be remedied by a band-pass filter with wideband-matching properties beyond the demanded selection for the transmission band. The way to realize this wish is simple: two identical band-pass filters are shunted by means of Wilkinson couplers. The necessary phase shift can be obtained with two λ/4-50Ω-transmission lines. The loss of selection on 3dB caused by the shunting of the filters is unimportant for this task. Figure 3 shows a realization in microstrip technique with two-resonator side-coupled filters.
 Fig. 3
The development was done for a RT-Duroid 5870 substrate with a thickness of 0.438mm for the Intelsat high-frequency band. The simulation was carried out by the tool HP-MDS. Figure 4 shows the calculated characteristics of a single band-pass filter. The markers show the receiver band 11.45...11.70Ghz. The LO-band was 12.78...13.03GHz. This follows the image frequency band of 14.11...14.36GHz.
 Fig. 4
Figure 5 shows the layout and Figure 6 the measured characteristics S11 and S32 of a realized Wilkinson coupler. For the 100Ω-resistors of the Wilkinson couplers there were chosen SMD-chips with the size 0504. The microwave properties of the chip resistors were not taken into account during the simulation but the T-junctions. For the realization of the length of the 71Ω-transmission lines there was taken the middle length of the curved lines. The measured properties of the Wilkinson coupler are sufficient for our purpose.
 Fig. 5
 Fig. 6 Figure 7 shows the results of the simulation of the entire filter with Wilkinson couplers. The reflection factor at the image frequency band amount to better than -10dB with a selection at 25dB. At the LO-frequencies the matching is better than 8dB.
 Fig. 7
The practical results corresponded well to the simulation at the interesting points (Figure 8). Therefore the development ended successfully with the first realization.
 Fig. 8 Figure 9 shows the filter in a receiver-block of a RF-transceiver.